It has been fun

To most of you who actually still read the website, I thank you!  This my last post on here.  I'm not sure what we'll do with the website to be honest.  I may use it as a template later for when and if I decide to start this back up again.  There has been no word of alpha 14, unfortunately. In light of this knowledge, most of you that I talk to should know by now that I have intentions of shutting the server down.  I want to let you all in as to why.  You'll find it below:

1)  It is tough being an administrator and honestly, I just wanted to play the game with most of you.  Unfortunately, I could not because of the overwhelming amount of asses who felt they needed or wanted things.  (Dan warned me about this)

2)  I have school starting back up on the 3rd of April, 2016.  I certainly will not be able to handle school, family, and 50% more whining children on Z-Day PvE.  I have to set my priorities.  Do not get me wrong, I still intend on gaming, so we'll see what happens.

3)  Lastly, I just want to play the damn game.  Run around, scavenge, shoot things, survive, build, etc.  I did not get to do any of those things when I would jump on my own server.  All I was doing was catering to those aforementioned "problems".  Let's be clear and perfectly honest right now...I dislike most of you.  :-)

So here's the situation and my suggestion.  I have emailed my server company today and have asked them if we can get this thing shut down earlier i.e. today.  I suppose you'll find out if that's happened if you do not see it online today.

(EDIT:  Server will not shutdown until the 26th of March. Due to pay advance through that date.)

My suggestion:

JC has created a server that is titled "No Asshats Allowed".  It is a modded server and I played on it over the weekend.  They have that crap called the compo pack or whatever the hell they named it. She's also set loot respawn at 5 days.  All of the things that were on my server such as the zCoins, zCoins shop, zGates, sethome functions are on her server as well.  I encourage you to jump to her server and start playing on it.  She just reset the day count yesterday and I have seen my fair share of zombies on there.  Hell, littlered and I fought a horde yesterday that was so overwhelming that I had to run and hide with my bow, while littlered died and logged off until 4 am.

7 Days to Die is now fun again because I'm actually playing instead of being the administrator.  I do not have to focus on any of you.  If you do choose to come over there and you want to hang out.  Add me on Steam.  Its honestly fun starting over every once in a while.

One last thing before I sign off.  Here are the people that I actually liked and wouldn't mind having you added on my steam friends list.


Jim240 (he's my bud and workmate)
Sum Donut
Club a seal

The rest of you who actually have posted in the forums and contributed to the in-game society, thank you.  If your name is not on the list, it means one of two things.  I accidentally forgot you because I didn't get the valuable play time with you like I wanted....or....I simply did not like you.  I'm sure you know which list you belong in.  With this long ass post telling you everything on my mind.  I hope to see many of you in the future.  I'll be on JC's server tonight and maybe I'll see some of you on there.

Have a hap-hap-happy day!

Irascible Joker

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