It has been fun

To most of you who actually still read the website, I thank you!  This my last post on here.  I'm not sure what we'll do with the website to be honest.  I may use it as a template later for when and if I decide to start this back up again.  There has been no word of alpha 14, unfortunately. In light of this knowledge, most of you that I talk to should know by now that I have intentions of shutting the server down.  I want to let you all in as to why.  You'll find it below:

1)  It is tough being an administrator and honestly, I just wanted to play the game with most of you.  Unfortunately, I could not because of the overwhelming amount of asses who felt they needed or wanted things.  (Dan warned me about this)

2)  I have school starting back up on the 3rd of April, 2016.  I certainly will not be able to handle school, family, and 50% more whining children on Z-Day PvE.  I have to set my priorities.  Do not get me wrong, I still intend on gaming, so we'll see what happens.

3)  Lastly, I just want to play the damn game.  Run around, scavenge, shoot things, survive, build, etc.  I did not get to do any of those things when I would jump on my own server.  All I was doing was catering to those aforementioned "problems".  Let's be clear and perfectly honest right now...I dislike most of you.  :-)

So here's the situation and my suggestion.  I have emailed my server company today and have asked them if we can get this thing shut down earlier i.e. today.  I suppose you'll find out if that's happened if you do not see it online today.

(EDIT:  Server will not shutdown until the 26th of March. Due to pay advance through that date.)

My suggestion:

JC has created a server that is titled "No Asshats Allowed".  It is a modded server and I played on it over the weekend.  They have that crap called the compo pack or whatever the hell they named it. She's also set loot respawn at 5 days.  All of the things that were on my server such as the zCoins, zCoins shop, zGates, sethome functions are on her server as well.  I encourage you to jump to her server and start playing on it.  She just reset the day count yesterday and I have seen my fair share of zombies on there.  Hell, littlered and I fought a horde yesterday that was so overwhelming that I had to run and hide with my bow, while littlered died and logged off until 4 am.

7 Days to Die is now fun again because I'm actually playing instead of being the administrator.  I do not have to focus on any of you.  If you do choose to come over there and you want to hang out.  Add me on Steam.  Its honestly fun starting over every once in a while.

One last thing before I sign off.  Here are the people that I actually liked and wouldn't mind having you added on my steam friends list.


Jim240 (he's my bud and workmate)
Sum Donut
Club a seal

The rest of you who actually have posted in the forums and contributed to the in-game society, thank you.  If your name is not on the list, it means one of two things.  I accidentally forgot you because I didn't get the valuable play time with you like I wanted....or....I simply did not like you.  I'm sure you know which list you belong in.  With this long ass post telling you everything on my mind.  I hope to see many of you in the future.  I'll be on JC's server tonight and maybe I'll see some of you on there.

Have a hap-hap-happy day!

Irascible Joker

The end has come

I've been watching the server for several days now.  It's been... pathetic to say the least.  It's hard to keep everyone on a game when they feel as if they've accomplished everything or the administrator has given up on you.  I certainly hadn't given up on you.  I was still working on event, which due to inactivity... has been canceled.  Finally, the main reason for the post tonight is to inform everyone that on March 26th, 2016, we will be shutting the server down.  There may be a little hope for it if alpha 14 drops before then but at this point I'd say it's gone from 32 to nothing very quickly.  I appreciate everyone for supporting the server since it's been online and I will not forget you.  Most of you have been added to my Steam friends list.  If you have not added me and would possibly like to play other games, please do.  I always enjoy the company of others.


Irascible Joker

Time is running out

As the quarantine event approaches, time is running out for the admins to get this knocked out.  Don't worry about us though...we'll have it done by Saturday, easily.  There is something that you do need to worry about though, and, that is your bullet count.  I have seen a very small group of people playing lately on the server which means several things.  So here we go:

1)  People are bored (I get that, I'm ready for alpha 14)
2)  You have enough ammo to survive the Quarantine event?
3)  With lack of admin engagement, you feel lost?
4)  Not enough zombies
5)  Zombies are too hard now
6)  The typical blah, blah, blah

Whatever the reason for not playing on the server lately, we have made up our minds on what we'll be doing in the future.  We will be lowering the player count down to 16 again.  If the server numbers continue to dwindle, we will indeed shut the server down.  Quite unfortunate if you ask me.  I do think Alpha 14 will breathe some new life into the game and hopefully fix a lot of the bugs that are currently plaguing the game too, but, if it does not release in Feb. like it has been planned and it comes later in march, we'll probably have lost most of you for a long time.  In that time I am sure we'll have made the decision to shut the server down too.

I have noticed that most of you do not read the website, so this will be taken down too...or maybe I'll change the name and just start writing my thoughts.  Something like...."My Opinion Matters" or "Thoughts of a hateful man".  Either way, we'll remove everything.  In the spirit of me liking a good amount of you, I'd still like to get some game time in with you here and there.  Add me on steam and when you see me gaming and you wanna play, hit me up.  I'll be playing Tom Clancy's:  The Division starting the 8th of March, 2016.  7 Days to Die will be dead to me for several weeks afterwards.  Just gonna warn you now.  I've been waiting for The Division for over two years now.

There ya have it.  My information for the day.  Remember to login this Saturday to participate in the epic crap fest known as Quarantine.  If you don't, so be it.

Zombies, Zombies, and More Zombies

Most of you have made some type of comment about zombies in the game, one way or another.  So, to keep things entertaining for you, I've changed a few things.

/plot should be removed because the whitelist is back online.  Sol informed server last night that it wasn't.  With that being said, make sure to do a /plot delete and get rid of them.  The constant teleporting in dogtown is bad....I mean really, really bad.  So fix it, please.

As you can see, the other change was the whitelist coming back online.  We had way too many people doing things on this server that shouldn't have been done.  I believe SkareKrow and Dodoz had their homes broken into and I'm sure the diner at this point has nothing left in it.  All of these are unfortunate circumstances.  SkareKrow and Dodoz, if you'd like your stuff back please let me know once I login today.  I'll take care of it.

The whitelist is not going to be taken down anymore.  Since I have made modifications to the settings we will not even show up in the average server list.  It's horrible and will probably not result in more people showing up.  I feel the changes needed to be made though.  If the server does dwindle down to next to no people, we will shut the server down.  Talk to your friends, get them on, and let them tell their friends.  Post our Facebook page and website on your Facebook page.  Get the word out there and we should see acceptable numbers to keep the server alive.  

The major changes that place us in the modded section now are as followed:

Zombies increased to 75 from the original 50.  More zombies.  Anything 80 and above has been known to cause massive frame rate issues, so before you start spouting off that we still need more zombies...reread what I just said and keep that snarky comment to yourself.

The spawn rate was set at 100%.  This means that there are 75 zombies spread out across the map and not just one persons location.  The objective of 100% is to keep 75 zombies on the map at all times. We're not really seeing this and the /day7 thing doesn't really work as it should, not to mention the game is buggy as all hell.  If we could keep 75 zombies around each one of you S.o.B's that keeps complaining about zombies, believe me, I would but I cannot.  So in an effort of you killing one and having another one pop up in it's spot, we've increased the percentage to the max of 150%.  SUCK IT TREBEK!

Finally, we toyed with the notion of zombies running all the time.  I was immediately told that this person wouldn't play and that person wouldn't play.  So I changed it back to zombies only run at night and I increased the zombie difficulty.  We'll see how this plays out.

I'd like you guys to know that I really do enjoy playing with most of you.  It's fun and has it's moments but I see you guys fading away and playing other games, just like myself.  It's tough when you feel you've set up everything you need to handle a zombie scenario.  I myself am looking forward to a wipe, just to be honest.  I hope that Alpha 14 drops soon and we can all drop back in the game with eagerness to see what new crapfest the fun pimps have thrown at us.  Keep in mind IT'S STILL AN ALPHA.  I am stepping down from being an administrator after today.  I will no longer be able to personally help you and server will be limited in how and when she may be able to help you.  

We are choosing to take a more "hands off" approach.  Other than that, we hope you have a wonderful day and we'll see you in game.

Irascible Joker

No Whitelist Until Further Notice

As the title says, there will be no whitelist until further notice.  We need to try and snag some new people back into the server.  Breathe a little bit of life back into it, you know?  In the meantime, we have activated the /plot buy system.  I explained everything last night in Discord and Server also told everyone in the chat window.  If you were not there then you'll have to get the information relayed from another player.  I'll log back into Discord tonight for any of those that may have other questions after last night.

Take it easy and we'll see you in game.

Irascible Joker

Welcome to Quarantine!

In Quarantine people will be transported to a large arena that has several homes and building complexes they can hunker down in. The military has seized control and hope is being consumed by massive zombie hordes. Survival seems futile, but for the band of Z-Day PvE'ers, those zombies have another thing coming... or do they? As bullets fly and people die attempting to regain control, who will win in this new epic event?

Rules are as followed:

1) This is a PvE event.  Killing others will result in a ban unless both parties agree it was accidental.  It might be a good idea to add those people upon arrival to the Quarantine Zone.

2)  You will have your own items with you.  If you do not want certain things to come in and possibly get destroyed, drop it off at your house prior to the event.  Server will be giving messages in the chat window and Irascible Joker will be giving updates in Discord.

3)  There is no whining if your bag disappears because this is an alpha game and zombies can also destroy your bags.  You will not get this stuff back.  There will be items thrown all over the area.  You should easily be able to find weapons when you are in short supply.  Excessive whining and complaining will EASILY result in a ban.  Nobody wants to hear it, so that is the way we'll fix it.

4)  Do not take another players bag, you will be banned.
5)  Make sure to have a /sethome marker prior to the event so that you can go back home upon its completion.

6)  Members will be given a sleeping bag to place down at their safe location within the Quarantine Zone.  Where you place them is up to you, but you must place them within the zone before Quarantine activates. 


This event is not on a volunteer basis like the Colosseum event. EVERYONE shall participate. Welcome to Z-Day PvE and Quarantine.

Bottom line, enjoy the game and the company, and work in groups any way you can to survive the Quarantine Zone. 
As for rewards, since some of you will ask.  The rewards are what you find in the zone.  Keep it, it's on us!  Finally, if you do not think gaming with others AND admins building events are reward enough, you are more than welcome to join another server that does not do what we do.  We aim to bring new things to the 7DtD scene.

No Anger Games, but we have Quarantine

After speaking to the players on Z-Day PvE last night we realized that most of you have no intentions of logging in on the day of The Anger Games.  I was a little shocked and mostly disappointed.

In any case, I would rather have you playing on the server than waiting out an event that nobody plans on participating in, minus 5 people.  We are hereby changing the event from "The Anger Games (Purge)" to a PvE event known as Quarantine.  All players online will be teleported to this event but we will not be shooting each other.  Instead, we will be working together in a militarized quarantine zone.  The website will be updated this evening with more details and the countdown timer will be adjusted to work better with the schedule of this event.    

We'll see you in game!

Irascible Joker

A Bit of This and That

We've done the update for allocs server fixes, hopefully that wasn't the source of our sound issues, but, just in case.  Secondly, I want to say thank you to those that have donated recently.  I would like everyone to say "Thank you" to these people because they are allowing the server to maintain and get upgrades such as the additional information I shall list below their names.

Nerix ~ donated twice as of last night
Dan Orcshein

Once again, thank you!

So, the update that should help us out a lot and it's one that people have been asking for, is:

The Plot System provided by the Cloud-based Server Manager allows players to create and maintain their own plots of land.

The plot system is not a replacement for a land claim block, but works in addition to.

Instead of reducing damage dealt to your home, the plot system prevents trespassing completely.

Plots can be locked
Plots can be turned into Player Operated Shops ~ DAN, have at it!  Remember taxes though.

Plots can be taxed - Taxes are taken daily at 1:00AM EST, from the plot's balance.
If a plot is unable to pay it's taxes, it will be deleted.

Two plots cannot exist in the same location, but can be adjacent
Locked plots cannot be entered unless you are CBSM friends with the owner
If you enter a plot that is locked, and you are not friends with the owner, you will be ejected from the plot
Locked plots will no longer unlock after any amount of time Recently Updated

zCoin Support - Assign an optional zCoin cost to owning a plot
Jail Support - Owners can defend their property without risk of a jail sentence
Plot System Configuration
Plots can be restricted from being created near spawn (coordinates 0, 0)
zCoin cost per plot is optional and configurable
Plot radius can be configured Changing this after plots have been created can cause them to overlap! Be cautious.
This functionality requires that the 'Persistent Server Link' option is sent to active.

Player Plots Commands

/plot buy - Purchases a plot at the place the player is standing

/plot deposit {#} zCoins - Adds the defined {#} of zCoins to the plot's balance

/plot withdrawal {#} zCoins - Removes the defined {#} of zCoins from the plot's balance

/plot activate vendor - Converts the plot into a Vendor/Shop, if enabled. Will attempt to use plot-balance first, and then owner's wallet.

/plot lock - Locks the plot you are standing in

/plot unlock - Unlocks the plot you are standing in

/plot set name {name} - Sets the plot name to {name}     90 character maximum

/friend add {name} - Adds the defined friend to your CBSM friend list

/friend remove {name} - Removes the defined friend to your CBSM friend list

/friends - Displays a list of your CBSM friend list

Referenced from:

Alpha 13.8 Sound Issues

Since the 13.8 update we've noticed some other issues that are quite troublesome to most of us on this server.  The sound issue.  What sound issue you ask?  You've experienced it at some point but may not have noticed it.  Either way, the sound issue that we speak of is the sound dropping completely out from the game.  Not just one thing like the old 9mm sound, but ALL sounds.  It is definitely causing some trouble.  I myself found it hard to game and build the Anger Games (Purge) Arena due to lack of sound.  Will this stop any of us or all of us from playing?  No.  We love the game!

Just be aware that we are scouring the internet looking for workarounds or fixes for this.  We will keep you posted as soon as we find something and if you happen to figure it out or find a reason, post it in the comments box so that we can get back to playing how the game should be played.

Take care and we'll see you in game!

Irascible Joker

Z-Day PvE

Why Join Z-Day PvE?