Z-Day PvE Server

As a reminder, Z-Day PvE Server is not running since I find myself looking for work and going to school full time.  In the meantime please visit the server known as "Special K" on the modded list within 7 Days to Die.  This server belongs to a friend of Z-Day PvE and would love to have any of you.  The server is not modded but had a few changes made to the default settings in the config file, therefore it has been classified as modded. 

Alpha 15 Server

From what I've gathered over the time of running the Z-Day PvE server, people still come back here to check out the website for further info.  That's good.  We have good news today.  Even though Z-Day PvE server has not come back, we've had a member who has been gracious enough to start a server and wouldn't mind some of you joining.  So head onto 7DtD and look for:

SpecialK  <---server name

Under the modded section.  There are no mods but some defaults were changed and threw them under the mod category.  Come on and join us, we'll see you there.

Welcome Back!

The number of people who have registered sits rather low right now.  Only 7 people including myself.  Yes, I registered to see if the code worked.  So SIX people have only registered.  Now I know what you're thinking.  We need to open up the server so people can hop on when they want.  That answer is NO.  Right now I leave my doors unlocked on certain buildings because I am not worried about a single soul who has registered coming up to any of my homes and stealing stuff.  I like that feeling, as I am sure most of the people who have registered like that feeling.  So, we'll stay locked up.  Eventually people will register and the server will start to thrive like it did in the past.  We already have a lot of good people on here and I do not intend on running them off because we opened the server to trolls.

With that being said, Discord is not a good way to check and see if someone is playing on the server.  Not a lot of people are using it yet.  We just started the server 3 weeks ago, after a several month break.  Once the server gains popularity again and the numbers have to be increased on the server for more people to play, then I'm sure Discord will be a viable way to find out if people are playing.  If you are wondering what the times are in which people play currently, here they are:

Our average users, including me tend to play:

Between the hours of 5 pm - 9 pm Monday - Thursday
Between the hours of 8 am - Midnight, Friday & Saturday

And Sunday is quite sporadic so I cannot give you a good window.  I'm usually on in the morning.

Either way, just an update as to what's going on with the server.  I wanted to let some of you know how the most of our players schedules are.

Keep this in mind, not every single player who play's on Z-Day PvE uses voice chat either.  Some like to just type.  I am not one of them but I will not hop on discord until I see someone in game who uses voice chat.

See you in game!


Registration Continues

So far we've had a good run with people registering to play on Z-Day PvE.  It'll typically start off slow then it'll pick up speed.  Word of mouth and Facebook, friends, Google, etc...

We're glad to have you guys/gals aboard the Z-Day Train.  Over the past couple of days, I've personally viewed some of the people registering.  Some of your names I recognize, and others are absolutely new.  So here's some tips to get you going on the server.

Talk to our community.  We all LOVE to help others.  Don't think that we'll do everything for you but we've got no problems lending a helping hand. 

Freebies, they don't exist (maybe sometimes).  Do not immediately come on the server and say "give me this or that".  First off, it's rude.  Ask politely.  This is your only warning.  Rudeness is not tolerated.  Smack talking is totally allowed though. 

A biggie!  Do not place land claims in the cities or towns.  This is your warning and there are some when you join as well.  Those that are found doing this will be banned.  Simple! 

Finally, we all know it's a PvE server and this should go without saying...  Do not steal, kill another player, break into someone's house (even if you think it's a pre-fab since everyone has asked me about mine, I built it). 

We love our small (ATM) community and hope it grows into a thriving one like it did in the past. So, excuse my negativity and take this positively.  I'm looking out for everyone who wants a good time without the drama.  Drama will be dealt with swiftly as well.  Consider it a BAN.  We play to relax and socialize, build, and kill zombies.  So, I'll see you on the playing field. 



Whitelist Continues But Accepting New Players

So the previous post lets you know that the server has come back online and that it is whitelisted. Well, here's the deal.  It's going to stay that way for a while.  We have some things that we're working on to make the server just as good, if not better than the last go around.  Even though the server is currently whitelisted, this does not mean that you cannot have access.  Click on the registration tab and answer a few simple questions.  At the end of the form, you'll have to leave an email address so that we can inform you if you've been given access or not.  We have no intentions of spamming you.  It is only that one email and only email that you'll receive from us, unless you email us back for some reason.

Your email, it goes to nobody else.  It's a simple contact for us, then we're done.  So rather than wait and hope that this server takes its whitelist down, why don't you register and be one of the few people who took the moment to fill out a small form.  You get to hit the ground running with the others and you'll also get the advantage of getting a glimpse at what is being worked on.  Yeah....this ain't your normal server...

Finally, we're not 100% sure we'll ever unlock the server.  A lot of people like the security that a whitelist server comes with.  They feel the safety and understand that taking that little step of filling out a form has secured their position within the server and community that is tight knit and looking out for each other.  Trolls...they don't get on here and if they do, they are not on for long.  Take care and we look forward to seeing you on the server.

Irascible Joker


To some of you, it may have been difficult to see Z-Day PvE shutdown.  I'm sure many of you thought it was for good.  I on the other hand knew it wouldn't stay gone, for long that is.  Here's the deal.  We intend on bringing it back for a long haul, much longer than the last go around.  There will be some growing pains, I'm sure, but we'll get through them together.  In the meantime, the server is up and will be white-listed for a little while.  I'm doing this for those that were the originals, the supporters, the community that we all came to love.

In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled and we'll let you know when we're opening the server for others.  I'm speaking with some of the others and I will probably allow invites from some of the others playing.  They'll have to be white-listed but so long as they have a friend that vouches for them, I'm sure we can come to a reasonable ground.  We'll see you in game!

Irascible Joker

It has been fun

To most of you who actually still read the website, I thank you!  This may...MAY...be my last post on here.  I'm not sure what we'll do with the website to be honest.  I may use it as a template later for when and if I decide to start this back up again.  There has been no word of alpha 14, unfortunately. In light of this knowledge, most of you that I talk to should know by now that I have intentions of shutting the server down.  I want to let you all in as to why.  You'll find it below:

1)  It is tough being an administrator and honestly, I just wanted to play the game with most of you.  Unfortunately, I could not because of the overwhelming amount of asses who felt they needed or wanted things.  (Dan warned me about this)

2)  I have school starting back up on the 3rd of April, 2016.  I certainly will not be able to handle school, family, and 50% more whining children on Z-Day PvE.  I have to set my priorities.  Do not get me wrong, I still intend on gaming, so we'll see what happens.

3)  Lastly, I just want to play the damn game.  Run around, scavenge, shoot things, survive, build, etc.  I did not get to do any of those things when I would jump on my own server.  All I was doing was catering to those aforementioned "problems".  Let's be clear and perfectly honest right now...I dislike most of you.  :-)

So here's the situation and my suggestion.  I have emailed my server company today and have asked them if we can get this thing shut down earlier i.e. today.  I suppose you'll find out if that's happened if you do not see it online today.

(EDIT:  Server will not shutdown until the 26th of March. Due to pay advance through that date.)

My suggestion:

JC has created a server that is titled "No Asshats Allowed".  It is a modded server and I played on it over the weekend.  They have that crap called the compo pack or whatever the hell they named it. She's also set loot respawn at 5 days.  All of the things that were on my server such as the zCoins, zCoins shop, zGates, sethome functions are on her server as well.  I encourage you to jump to her server and start playing on it.  She just reset the day count yesterday and I have seen my fair share of zombies on there.  Hell, littlered and I fought a horde yesterday that was so overwhelming that I had to run and hide with my bow, while littlered died and logged off until 4 am.

7 Days to Die is now fun again because I'm actually playing instead of being the administrator.  I do not have to focus on any of you.  If you do choose to come over there and you want to hang out.  Add me on Steam.  Its honestly fun starting over every once in a while.

One last thing before I sign off.  Here are the people that I actually liked and wouldn't mind having you added on my steam friends list.


Jim240 (he's my bud and workmate)
Sum Donut
Club a seal

The rest of you who actually have posted in the forums and contributed to the in-game society, thank you.  If your name is not on the list, it means one of two things.  I accidentally forgot you because I didn't get the valuable play time with you like I wanted....or....I simply did not like you.  I'm sure you know which list you belong in.  With this long ass post telling you everything on my mind.  I hope to see many of you in the future.  I'll be on JC's server tonight and maybe I'll see some of you on there.

Have a hap-hap-happy day!

Irascible Joker

Z-Day PvE

Why Join Z-Day PvE?