Registration Continues

So far we've had a good run with people registering to play on Z-Day PvE.  It'll typically start off slow then it'll pick up speed.  Word of mouth and Facebook, friends, Google, etc...

We're glad to have you guys/gals aboard the Z-Day Train.  Over the past couple of days, I've personally viewed some of the people registering.  Some of your names I recognize, and others are absolutely new.  So here's some tips to get you going on the server.

Talk to our community.  We all LOVE to help others.  Don't think that we'll do everything for you but we've got no problems lending a helping hand. 

Freebies, they don't exist (maybe sometimes).  Do not immediately come on the server and say "give me this or that".  First off, it's rude.  Ask politely.  This is your only warning.  Rudeness is not tolerated.  Smack talking is totally allowed though. 

A biggie!  Do not place land claims in the cities or towns.  This is your warning and there are some when you join as well.  Those that are found doing this will be banned.  Simple! 

Finally, we all know it's a PvE server and this should go without saying...  Do not steal, kill another player, break into someone's house (even if you think it's a pre-fab since everyone has asked me about mine, I built it). 

We love our small (ATM) community and hope it grows into a thriving one like it did in the past. So, excuse my negativity and take this positively.  I'm looking out for everyone who wants a good time without the drama.  Drama will be dealt with swiftly as well.  Consider it a BAN.  We play to relax and socialize, build, and kill zombies.  So, I'll see you on the playing field. 



Whitelist Continues But Accepting New Players

So the previous post lets you know that the server has come back online and that it is whitelisted. Well, here's the deal.  It's going to stay that way for a while.  We have some things that we're working on to make the server just as good, if not better than the last go around.  Even though the server is currently whitelisted, this does not mean that you cannot have access.  Click on the registration tab and answer a few simple questions.  At the end of the form, you'll have to leave an email address so that we can inform you if you've been given access or not.  We have no intentions of spamming you.  It is only that one email and only email that you'll receive from us, unless you email us back for some reason.

Your email, it goes to nobody else.  It's a simple contact for us, then we're done.  So rather than wait and hope that this server takes its whitelist down, why don't you register and be one of the few people who took the moment to fill out a small form.  You get to hit the ground running with the others and you'll also get the advantage of getting a glimpse at what is being worked on.  Yeah....this ain't your normal server...

Finally, we're not 100% sure we'll ever unlock the server.  A lot of people like the security that a whitelist server comes with.  They feel the safety and understand that taking that little step of filling out a form has secured their position within the server and community that is tight knit and looking out for each other.  Trolls...they don't get on here and if they do, they are not on for long.  Take care and we look forward to seeing you on the server.

Irascible Joker


To some of you, it may have been difficult to see Z-Day PvE shutdown.  I'm sure many of you thought it was for good.  I on the other hand knew it wouldn't stay gone, for long that is.  Here's the deal.  We intend on bringing it back for a long haul, much longer than the last go around.  There will be some growing pains, I'm sure, but we'll get through them together.  In the meantime, the server is up and will be white-listed for a little while.  I'm doing this for those that were the originals, the supporters, the community that we all came to love.

In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled and we'll let you know when we're opening the server for others.  I'm speaking with some of the others and I will probably allow invites from some of the others playing.  They'll have to be white-listed but so long as they have a friend that vouches for them, I'm sure we can come to a reasonable ground.  We'll see you in game!

Irascible Joker

Z-Day PvE

Why Join Z-Day PvE?